Sunday 29 April 2012

Light my fire Matchstick: 5 reasons you need to hire me

Dear fine decision makers of Matchstick, I want to work for you, badly.

Let me just start off with a quick introduction. My name is Blaze. I just graduated the Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications program at St. Lawrence College in Kingston Ontario, and I was born to work at your agency. I saw your description, researched your organization and I determined that a résumé and a cover letter was just not going to cut it. So I am taking a stand. Here are 5 reasons why you should just light the fire and hire me as the Program Coordinator at Matchstick.

1.     I am interesting. Anyone that has ever met me will agree. I am exploding with energy and optimism, and can generate conversation around just about any topic. If you take the time to meet me, you certainly won’t forget me.
2.     I am a team player. I have been part of team since I could walk and talk. From sports to internships and everywhere in between. I am dedicated, and I will show you that, every second of everyday.
3.     I am motivated. Too much is never enough. I want to learn and grow everyday, and I have demonstrated that in my internships, jobs and education. I am constantly taking on additional responsibilities in hopes that I will continue to keep learning.  My most notable accomplishment was my selection to attend the trip to the Pivot Conference. I was a member of the only student group to attend.
4.     I never say die. Marketing is a stressful profession. I think the biggest obstacle for positions of this nature is maintaining a positive attitude and staying focused. That’s how jobs get done. By hard working, creative minded people who never give up. I never go down because I never quit fighting. Whatever the challenge I will meet it with determination and optimism.
5.     I can do the job. This is so often a point that is overlooked in the basic cover letter and resume. There is a lot of promises about how an applicant can meet your employment expectations, but after all, aren’t you a digital agency? I can blog. I can tweet. I can create relevant content on Facebook and so much more. Most importantly, I can identify with your agency and the brands you represent, from Jeep to L’Oreal.

To wrap up, I know your company. I know the brands you support. I know what you want in a Program Coordinator because I embody all that it represents. Give me a chance to sit down with you and I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Light my fire, Matchstick.
