Friday 9 March 2012

This girl needs to be locked up ... in Azkaban


Ignorance is something that is going to be remembered as one of the primary causes of the downfall of our civilization. Think about it. 99.9% of conflict on this earth is a derivative of cultural and religious difference and intolerance. People generate and maintain their own misguided opinions without even beginning to do the necessary research to determine if what they think even makes sense.

I saw a prime example of that today. If you are a Harry Potter fan, proceed with caution. This is going to upset you.

Before I continue, it is important to note that I am a fan of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I grew up with the story, and the characters that embodied it. Having said that, I also want you to note that the opinions that I express in the sentences to follow are not harsh simply due to my bias towards the series, but due to the sheer ignorance of the comment I read on Yahoo answers just today. I’ll show it in a screen shot to give the full effect. It reads as follows:

This is upsetting on so many levels. 

Before I start ranting lets clear up the confusion for all of you muggles out there.  The first Harry Potter book was released approximately 8 years before the first Twilight book was. Also Sirius Black was not a werewolf … in the slightest. Not even close to a werewolf.  Yeah, that’s awkward. Probably shouldn’t have said all that on the Internet for millions to see. #badidea.

Here is where the source of my anger lies. I do not expect her to know all the differences between the two books.  Depending on her age, that is a completely legitimate question. But when you post things on the Internet, they last forever. It isn’t just something you can remove at your will. Comments like these are the going to be our downfall. Do your research before you write something. Make sure what you’re saying adds value to universe. Otherwise … just keep it to yourself.

I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


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