Thursday 19 January 2012

Being original

Societal expectations are important, don’t get me wrong. It’s important to have rules and guidelines to follow otherwise the world would just collapse into a fiery ring of chaos. But where does it stop? When is it appropriate for us as individuals to stop listening to others and begin listening to ourselves? We as a society have put up a wall. 
We have put up a block to anybody in this world who dares to be even a little bit different than everybody else. When was the last time you saw a CEO of a fortune 500 company with a sleeve of tattoos? When was the last time you saw a leader of a country be any younger than the age of 30?

Yeah … if you think of anyone let me know.

If it’s happened than it’s rare. But why should it be? Value is value regardless of how it’s packaged and the constraints that are put on us, as individuals to conform to the masses are countless. Even those who achieve brilliance who don’t fit the mold are pegged with an asterisk (you know those backhanded compliments, “He was an innovator, but very eccentric”). Great potential is often squandered by the unwritten code that was developed hundreds of years ago by a very small group of individuals. Yet a very large group of individuals are forced to abide by them or face ridicule.

It’s okay to play the game, everybody does. You say and do things you wouldn’t necessarily say and do in normal circumstances to gain acceptance. However, as a student of marketing, where appearance and overall impressions could not be more important, I’ve learned that value of not losing myself. Success is great but not at the expense of your own values. Following societal rules are at times important, but finding the ability to make your own are just as important.

Be original.



  1. Thought provoking post Blaze, I love it, you have a talent for blogging I think.

    I completely agree with your view point here, it is so important not to loose yourself in corporate affairs. I would like to say I have stayed true to myself, but I do worry sometimes that I may have given in to the corporate side everyonce in a while.


  2. Like you say, it's a game. Everyone is an actor but the hint of originality within your act is how you differentiate yourself from the rest. Keeping true to yourself is important but unfortunately society doesn't allow enough of it. Great post Blaze! I will be following.

  3. You've made me think considerably about making an appointment for a half sleeve. Truth be, I think peoples biggest fear is that sometimes the hardest part may just be getting started. You can't wait until you know all the answers. I feel people conform because they think its the right thing to do, when it couldn't be further from the truth. Be yourself, no man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.

    Check out my post on Social Media Clarity.

  4. Thank you for your comments, I truly enjoyed reading your takes on this issue.

    Sean I really related to the point you make in your comment. It reads:

    "Be yourself, no man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character."

    I think that is honestly the key to success for any individual trying to start a career in marketing. The ability to stand out through your personality is an incredibly beneficial asset and I think that is exactly the point I was trying to make through this post. Be true to yourself.

