Thursday 19 January 2012

Generations of the Groundswell: Who is leading this revolution?

The recent explosion of interactive communications on the web has had a profound effect on how people communicate. This can be said with how businesses communicate with their consumers as well as how individuals communicate with their friends, family and topics of interest. The groundswell is a very real part of our lives.
One major point of discussion as of recent is determining which group of individuals is truly leading the explosion of interactive communications for businesses. If you can determine that than you can find everyday online heroes to help convey your message for you. In today’s world of cynicism and mistrust this form of communication has the potential to go much further than any print or television ad ever could. So who is responsible for the success of online social interaction in relation to the corporate world?
There is no clear answer to this question. The common misconception is that Generation Y is the sole driving force behind this revolutionary trend.
I disagree.
There is no argument that the younger generation is one that is constantly connected. Social networking is prevalent, and with the explosion of the smartphone we as individuals can now connect with anybody at any time of day, regardless of where we are in the world. Generation Y grew up in a world where technology was evolving at a speed never thought possible before. Because of this it was adopted as a natural form of life. It’s used as a communications tool to link with friends and the things they care about.
On the other hand we have the older generation. This group of people have been witness to the trend from the beginning. The change to the Internet was so rapid that many were skeptical at first. However as the Internet began to expand, this generation began to come to the realization that this trend could positively effect their businesses and their day-to-day lives. In recent years, the older generation has embraced these technologies and use them as much as possible to make up for lost time. They want to connect with the businesses and organizations they care about.
The two generations are exact opposites in my opinion. Generation Y uses social networking to connect with friends. Where as the older generation is more likely to use it as a forum to connect with businesses regarding their products and services.
In closing groundswell thinking is prevalent in the lives of millions of individuals. The important task is to determine how your customer is contributing to it and react accordingly.

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