Thursday 26 January 2012

But what if you can?

“You can’t”

A familiar phrase. A very familiar phrase. A phrase that is so familiar that it is single handedly responsible for the failures of millions of people. Everyone’s heard that phrase at one point in their lives. We as a society are obsessed with the idea of failure. We want so badly to feel good about ourselves that we tear down others to bring a feeling of value to our own lives.

Some of you may be thinking, “ Speak for yourself, I don’t do that.”

You’re lying to yourself. Everyone does it in one-way or another.

We as a human race strive towards excellence. We want to be successful. That is a given. And somewhere, at some point in our lives we have spewed a negative, ignorant comment towards an individual simply so that we could feel better about ourselves. Everyone has said to their co-worker “congratulations on that promotion, you really deserve it” just before telling another co-worker “I deserved that promotion way more than John”. This negativity can stem from jealousy, fear, anxiety you name it.

I’ve seen this first hand. I’ve been on the sending end and I’ve been on the receiving end and it makes me laugh. What if Michael Jordan quit playing basketball after he was cut in his sophomore year of high school? What if Steve Jobs disappeared after being ousted from Apple in the 80s? What a different world this would be.

The point I’m trying to make is that there are probably 50 other Michael Jordans and Steve Jobs out there who didn’t make anything out of their lives because they listened to the negative energy that others generated. What a difference it would make if we all heard a little more of “you can”.

Spread a little positivity,


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