Friday 24 February 2012

Things like this shouldn’t happen.

I saw something disgusting today.

We are lucky. We as a developed society have the opportunity to bask in the glory of freedom. Our forefathers established our constitutions, our soldiers defended it, and therefore we as citizens of Canada, America and the rest of the developed world get to do the things we want to do, say the things we want to say, and act however we choose (within the stipulations of our respective laws) without facing repercussions. 

It couldn’t get much better and most days I feel like I couldn’t be any luckier. I feel like I have it pretty good. But today I saw something I wish I didn’t.

I was linked a video by a close friend. This video is rather old so I was surprised that I hadn’t seen it earlier. What I saw was shocking:

Wow. In America?. In North America?. In any free land? I can’t tell you I’ve ever seen anything like that before. I am sure it’s happened but fortunately for them it was never caught on video. What’s worse is that it wasn’t the fault of the security on duty. They were obviously ordered to stop the “demonstrations” by somebody of higher authority. They were just doing their job. But why is this somebody’s job?

Scenes like this is why it is so important for us as a society to stand up for our beliefs. There are rules. There are laws. But as citizens of a free land we deserve to have the opportunity to have our rights. So stand up for them.

Stand up for what’s important. Things like this shouldn’t happen.


Friday 17 February 2012

Hey, thanks Cupid!

I don’t like Valentines Day.  

I am a guy, so there are all the normal guy reasons for not liking valentines: It’s impossible to find reservations, there are endless expectations and I hope you enjoy eating Kraft Dinner for a month because there goes half your paycheck.

But it goes deeper than that. I am not that cheap, and I am certainly not heartless .I just don’t buy into the mindless concept that love and relationships should be celebrated on one day.  

Valentines is meant to be a day where people have the opportunity to celebrate their relationships with the people that are special to them. Good idea right? Everyone likes to know they are important. Everyone likes to know that somebody cares. I don’t hate the idea. But I also didn’t hate the idea of communism. That worked out so well.

Here is the reality.  We have created this holiday where people who don’t have someone special in their lives feel alone and isolated and those who are lucky enough to have someone special in their lives get to spend a significant amount of money on chocolates, cards, teddy bears, dinners, etc. The list goes on. You’re welcome Hershey and Hallmark. You can pay your employees for another year.

Why can’t we just appreciate the people in our lives everyday and skip this Valentines garbage? Hershey’s and Hallmark is not the recipe for successful relationship.  Consumerism is taking over our lives. Stop the madness. Celebrate your life and the people in it everyday, not just one day in the middle of February.


Thursday 9 February 2012

Let your game speak

Inspiration drives profit. People want to be like the athletes and celebrities they admire. That's why they pay astronomical amounts of money for items that cost only a fraction to produce. Nike invented the endorsement. Michael Jordan re-invented Nike. Now, Nike sportswear turns everything they touch into gold.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been an unpaid employee of Nike sportswear ever since the day I saw Michael Jordan in game six of the 1998 NBA Playoffs. I was only 8 years old but I already knew that the guy was the best player to ever step onto the court. A hero. A legend.

Michael had Air Jordans therefore I wanted Air Jordans. So did every other basketball fan in the entire world. Not a bad idea Nike, that’s a pretty good spokesperson to have for your brand … I guess.

His Airness has been in countless advertisements for the brand over the years but here is my favorite. Second Generation uses the moves and moments that made Jordan a legend through the use of up and comers all over the world varying in sizes, genders and races. This fan-made video showcases it’s brilliance by displaying the ad beside real-time footage of Jordan in these moments. Check it out.

The actual ad on YouTube has over 2.3 million views. Not bad for a television ad that was produced almost six years ago. Everyone wants to be like Mike. So create a shoe that allows them to do that and than go create an ad allowing them to envision themselves in those moments. I know I bought a pair of Jordans that year. 

Can't get much better than that. 


Thursday 2 February 2012

Hack me one more time … I dare you.

I had a bad day today.

I am a pretty optimistic person. I try to make the best of every situation but today was a horrible day. I had a rough shift at work, my car died (this time for good I think), and I fell down and ripped my favorite pair of jeans. But when all is said and done, I can live with all of those things. People have bad days. We brush things off and move along with our lives. But one thing happened today that I couldn’t move on from. One thing that crossed the line from mildly irritating to completely infuriating….

My twitter account got hacked … again.

All of those other things happen, and to be quite honest all of those other things are probably my own fault. I haven’t been getting enough sleep so work has been more difficult, I don’t take good care of my car so it was only a matter of time, and I should have been paying more attention before I tripped this morning.

But nothing pisses me off more than people hacking into my accounts. That twitter account is my account, not yours. Don’t touch it please. Yes, maybe I shouldn’t have clicked that link that read “Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here I can’t believe what was said”. That was probably a bad idea. But whatever, sue me for being curious, the Internet has never lied to me before. So I changed my password and the spam went away for a couple weeks, until today, when it happened again.

Why? Why twitter?

There is nothing worse than being that guy on Twitter. Nobody wants to be that guy. Nobody likes knowing that they are single handedly putting 60 + people in a bad mood. But on top of that, I get to hear about it all day long. I got 8 tweets asking me to stop and about 4 text messages advising me of how annoying and horrible I was being. Yeah like I am intentionally doing that. I promise you, I have better things to do with my time.

Attention hackers:

Leave me alone. Get a hobby. Go meet someone if you’re lonely. Join a club.

I don’t care what you do but you’re messing with my entire operation and I’d appreciate it if you just didn’t.

Thank you,
